Remediation Services
The Isaac Group’s (ICG) Remediation Services support federal agencies resolve issues from audit reports. Typically those reports document, describe, and prioritize issues as significant deficiencies, material weaknesses, or simply weak controls.
To meet those challenges ICG applies professional skills to craft a customer-centric solution that addresses the unique environment and culture. ICG also brings a balanced approach to the short-term solution and the long-term sustainability model that reinforces the continuous improvement philosophy of the client’s management style.
Contact us at; [email protected] to explore the possibilities.
We are your financial management firemen.
Consulting Services
The Isaac Group’s (ICG) consulting services focus on improving federal agency performance. We partner with our customers to develop performance frameworks for new initiatives or consider "what-if" improvement scenarios for existing agency operations. Daily operations are under continual pressures to increase efficiency, while at the same time, justify and execute their hard-fought appropriated funds.
Federal customers are keenly aware of the strengths and weaknesses of operational performance and legal compliance, yet their resources may be limited or non-existent to address issues or make improvements.
To meet those challenges, ICG partners with our customers to verify the symptoms of inefficiency and identify the root cause for under-performing processes leading to a custom solution. Together, we create a remedy that is seamless as an inclusion to, or modification of the customer’s ongoing operations and reporting.
Contact us at; [email protected] to explore the possibilities.
We are your creative vision partners for thinking "outside-the-box".
Training / Leadership
The Isaac Group’s (ICG) training development service provides clients with custom courses that fill the unique gap for staff technical training objectives. We provide customer-centric content that encompasses the customer’s policies, procedures, processes, information systems, and other agency matters. Most courses will include excerpts of court pronouncements to ensure students and management appreciate the legal impact and exposure of any course subject.
A specialized facet of ICG training is leadership development. The success of any organization will rise or fall according to the quality of its leadership. Many experts see leadership as a balance of being visionary and administrative at the same time. For leaders to get the most out of their organization ICG promotes the skills of vision sharing, communication awareness, interaction sensitivity, proactive listening of staff ideas, synthesis of thought, and setting achievable goals. Coaching will equip learners with tools and skills to ensure a level of increased productivity, performance, and morale.
Contact us at; [email protected] to explore the possibilities.
We are your management advisory firemen.
Since 1993
Your Main Message
ICG started with a passion to provide focused energy for federal agencies to improve performance for reporting and managerial purposes.
Our mission is to create and implement solutions, in response to performance or audit reports, that describe management and operational issues as a material weakness, significant deficiency, or simply weak.
Those reports form the basis of our services for federal managers pursuing continuous improvement.

Next Steps...
If your agency needs to plan ahead for new performance reporting ideas, or think outside the box, or resolve an existing financial management or operational issue, then reach out to us for a preliminary discussion on providing a solution for your needs.